How to Speed Up IDM Download Being Faster and Powerful

How to speed up download IDM? A question that might be jammed in the minds of many internet users, especially those hobbies downloaded. In the process of the internet is known for uploads and downloads. Well, for the affairs of downloading files from the Internet, it is more enjoy when using Internet Download Manager or abbreviated as IDM. In addition to faster, IDM also offers a variety of facilities that may not be found in the download menu default browser you use.

Downloading a file is much loved. Usually movies or gaming enthusiast who is very familiar with this activity. However, sometimes becoming a big problem for the enthusiast separate download when having to download large files, but the connection 'Shining'. So, cranky, too, is not it? It is undeniable fast or slow the process of the download process is also highly dependent on the connection speed used. However, what's wrong if you do a little trick to boost your download speed.

How the hell do I? so curious! Take it easy, there is a way, and that is certainly not complicated and quite effective. For those who do not have the IDM, please seek first yes, continue to be installed first download. Who is not excited to try, if the download faster? surely everyone would like, because it does not consume a lot of time. Okay, to learn more about how to speed up the download IDM, please read the following little trick.

Here's How to speed up IDM download 15 times faster and more powerful.

1. Already have IDM right? make sure it is installed.
2. Open your IDM.
3. See the download menu. As shown in the figure below:

How to Speed Up IDM Download Being Faster and Powerful

4. Click the download menu, then select the option part yes.

5. Well, after you click the option, it will appear as below:

6. View and click on the Connection, it will look something like this:

7. Herein lies the trick you should do. Change the connection type / her Speed​​. Change to the LAN 10 Mbs. In the default max. conn number, you change it to 16. So, later downloaded file will be divided into 16 parts / sections. So, it could be faster, since each section will be completed, respectively, will automatically speed up your download. If already is complete, click OK. Done. Take a look at the image below to further clarify:

If you have to make changes like the above, it will be a little boost your download speed. More precisely maximizing Internet connection you have. However, once again I reiterate yes, that speed of connection you use greatly affects your download speed.

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